Green sea urchin
This small, round sea urchin is (unsurprisingly!) green in colour and can be found on rocky shores around the UK.
This small, round sea urchin is (unsurprisingly!) green in colour and can be found on rocky shores around the UK.
This colonial creature looks like an old-fashioned quill - that's where the name sea pen comes from.
The black sea bream really is a fascinating fish. From sex changes to nest building, this fish is full of surprises!
The lightbulb sea squirt is common around much of the UK. Its easy to see where its name came from!
A small colourful sea slug that can be found grazing on sea mats on the rocky shore and beyond the low water mark.
This strange furry creature often found washed ashore after storms is actually a kind of worm!
These little critters are related to the woodlice you find in your garden and play a very important role on rocky shores.
These mat like growths found on kelp and seaweed are actually colonies of tiny individuals animals.
This bumpy shell lives up to its name and lives partly buried in the seabed along the west coast of Great Britain.
Six nations have come together to find solutions to the challenges nature is facing across the Irish Sea. This collaboration crosses national borders to achieve a well-managed and ecologically…
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, in partnership with Amgueddfa Cymru, organised a morning of talks about Wales’ untold wildlife stories at the National Museum’s Reardon Smith Theatre,…