Moth discovery in Brecknock!
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW), in partnership with Brecknock Moth Group, has discovered a new record for the White-Barred Clearwing moth at Ystrad Fawr nature reserve. This is…
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW), in partnership with Brecknock Moth Group, has discovered a new record for the White-Barred Clearwing moth at Ystrad Fawr nature reserve. This is…
Europe's largest frog is not naturally found in the UK, but was introduced to Kent and has spread throughout the southeast.
The raven is famous for being the imposing, all-black bird that guards the Tower of London. Wild birds live in forests, and upland and coastal areas in the north and west of the UK.
This common fungus puffs out clouds of spores when it's mature.
Thanks to generous support from our members and charitable trusts, we are delighted to report that we have raised the funds to buy the 13.5 acre extension to Pengelli!
Sand dunes are places of constant change and movement. Wander through them on warm summer days for orchids, bees and other wildlife, or experience the forces of nature behind their creation - the…
The reserve can be divided into two principal areas, a large area of regenerating broadleaf woodland with heath pockets, and the section of more mature broadleaf woodland that is notified SSSI.…
Ann and her husband nurture and cultivate specialist sphagnum mosses and vascular plants like bog cranberry for a community area of the moss: they’re kickstarting the vegetation growth on Little…
The uncontainable nature of wildlife is perhaps clearest in brownfield sites – previously developed land that is not currently in use. The crumbling concrete of abandoned factories, disused power…
The reserve is made up of 2.4 ha of deciduous woodland and about 0.5 ha of rough pasture
in the upper Tywi catchment. The reserve forms part of the Cwm Doethie-Mynydd Mallaen Oakwoods…
This relatively long and narrow reserve comprises a steep, ancient semi-natural woodland that drops from improved pasture to the north, down to the Afon Gwili which runs along the southern…