Welsh Wildlife Centre pre-summer updates
We’ve been super busy here at the Welsh Wildlife Centre and Teifi Marshes Nature Reserve recently...
Eyed ladybird
The large eyed ladybird is unmistakeable: it is our only ladybird with yellow rings around its black spots. Ladybirds are beneficial insects, managing garden pests - encourage them by putting up a…
Parc Slip Wildlife
Oak bush-cricket
The Oak bush-cricket is arboreal and can be found in mature trees in woods, hedges, parks and gardens in summer. Males don't have a 'song' as such, but drum on leaves with their…
30 Days Wild
30 Days Wild
Dowrog Common and the ‘Quaking Bogs’ LIFE project
Dowrog Common Nature Reserve has received funding through the EU funded LIFE project called Quaking Bogs.
My superpower
Nature is Edward's superpower - in the woods, Edward can do anything, be anyone. Time spent in nature is where Edward's imagination can run wild.
My motivation
I’m Libby, and I’m currently completing a research development internship in sustainable aquaculture (basically farming in water) at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Oban. In…
Seed Harvesting in Brecknock
On a blisteringly hot day Pauline and Steph set out to harvest wildflower seed from two of the Brecknock nature reserves.
Emma Explores Redley Cliff
My name is Emma, a Media student with a love for wildlife. I'm a mission to explore Swansea's nature reserves by (mostly) public transport!