What is a Nudibranch?
Nudibranchs, also known as sea slugs, are much like their land-based relatives that you may spot in your garden. But, unlike your regular garden slug, the nudibranch can incorporate the stinging…
Nudibranchs, also known as sea slugs, are much like their land-based relatives that you may spot in your garden. But, unlike your regular garden slug, the nudibranch can incorporate the stinging…
Listen out for the 'chattering' song of the reed warbler, while wandering the UK's lowland wetlands in summer. A small, brown bird, they are quite hard to see.
These little critters are related to the woodlice you find in your garden and play a very important role on rocky shores.
Some meadows and woods are just perfect for Bryn to play hide and seek. We want to help everyone discover nature’s playground.
The small white is a common garden visitor. It is smaller than the similar large white, and has less black on its wingtips.
This beautiful pink fungus appears in late summer and autumn.
Meadow crane's-bill has striking violet flowers that pepper hay meadows, verges and grasslands with colour in summer. It is also a popular choice for gardeners and attracts a wide variety of…
The colourful and delightful chaffinch is a regular garden visitor across the UK. Look out for it hopping about on the ground under birdtables and hedges.
It's been a busy summer for our Brecknock team with lots of work on balsam and bracken!
Enormous flocks of geese, ducks and swans swirl down from wide skies to drop onto the flat, open expanses of flooded grazing marshes in winter. In spring, lapwing tumble overhead and the soft,…
A non-native species originating from Asia, the harlequin ladybird is prevalent in towns and gardens.