My perspective
Ben grew up at the Naze paddling in the sea and looking for sharks’ teeth. After graduation, he returned to the landscape he loves to help local people experience the wonders of the natural world…
Ben grew up at the Naze paddling in the sea and looking for sharks’ teeth. After graduation, he returned to the landscape he loves to help local people experience the wonders of the natural world…
Known as the phantom of the forest, goshawks can fly through the trees at up to 40km per hour as they hunt birds and small mammals.
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW) has been awarded £810,000 from the National Lottery’s Nature Networks Fund to support two nationally important projects.
Sometimes known as the snipe of the woods, the exquisitely camouflaged woodcock is mainly nocturnal, hiding in the dense undergrowth of woodlands and heathlands during the day.
This mysterious little bird is known for its haunting call and was once mistaken for witches by pirates off the coast of Wales! They travel thousands of miles every year to nest in their hobbit-…
The courtship of the marsh harrier is certainly a sight to behold - wheeling and tumbling through the sky, male and female partners lock talons in mid-air. Look out for this rare bird over…
The whooper swan is a very rare breeding bird in the UK, but has much larger populations that spend winter here after a long journey from Iceland. It has more yellow on its yellow-and-black bill…
The Great Big Green week runs from the 24th of September- 2nd October 2022 and is a celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. So, what are the impacts of climate…
Ruaridh loves playing in the woods – here everything can be anything and he can let his imagination run wild.
The Great Big Green Week runs from 24th September – 2nd October 2022 and is a celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. However, discussions of climate change…