Cardiff projects April update
It’s been a productive few months for the Stand for Nature Cardiff forum! The nest box scheme at Forest Farm has been going really well, lots of the nest boxes are now in use and we’re hoping to…
It’s been a productive few months for the Stand for Nature Cardiff forum! The nest box scheme at Forest Farm has been going really well, lots of the nest boxes are now in use and we’re hoping to…
The wolf spider can be found in a wide range of habitats, including the garden. It hunts down its prey, leaping on it just like a wolf. Spiders are beneficial neighbours, helping to manage garden…
The huge white-tailed eagle is our largest bird of prey. Persecuted to extinction in the UK, it has been successfully reintroduced in Scotland. Look for it on the Isle of Mull and off the west…
The largest threat to nature in a generation is happening before our very own eyes, with UK government planning to scrap all EU laws relating to the legal protections of our natural spaces. We…
One of our most iconic waterbirds, the mute swan is famed for its grace and beauty. It is also considered to be a romantic of the bird world because partners form a perfect love heart with their…
The green sandpiper is a very rare breeding bird in the UK, and is mainly seen on migration in autumn. Look out for it feeding around marshes, flooded gravel pits and rivers. It even likes sewage…
Shag' is a very old name that means 'tufted' and refers to the small crest that this bird sports. Look out for it in spring and summer either diving for fish from the surface of the…
Jen doesn't need her phone to get connected - she can hear the tweeting of birds, see the flicker of sunlight in the reeds and share her interest in wildlife with like-minded people. All…
Log piles are perfect hiding places for insects, providing a convenient buffet for frog, birds, and hedgehogs too!
National Marine Week runs from the 23rd of July to the 7th of August and, although Cardiff may not be home to any marine environments, there’s still lots you can do nearby. Here are our top 5…
Playing tig, hide-and-seek, splashing in muddy puddles, kicking through leaves and seeing what’s under that rock or in that tree – Emma and Ruby love heading to nature reserves at the weekend…