Cellar spider
You've probably spotted this long-legged spider hiding in the corner of a house or building.
March for Water
Our Cardiff Stand for Nature forum took to the streets of London once again, this time calling for more action to clean up our waterways. Thousands flooded the streets, calling for more action to…
The Secret Garden Cafe
‘Growing Better Connections’ project in north Pembrokeshire
Wildlife Trust volunteers have been actively involved in helping Cwm Arian Renewable Energy’s ‘Growing Better Connections’ project in north Pembrokeshire. Two days were spent planting trees to…
Red bartsia
As its name suggests, Red bartsia does have a red tinge to its stem, leaves and small flowers. Look for it on roadside verges, railway cuttings and waste ground in summer.
Dog whelk
This sea snail is abundant on rocky shores around the UK. It is an active predator, feasting on mussels and barnacles before retreating to crevices to rest.
Violet ground beetle
Violet ground beetles are active predators, coming out at night to hunt slugs and other invertebrates in gardens, woodlands and meadows.
My world
John has worked in fisheries management for over 25 years. He has seen our waterways at their best – and their worst. He knows firsthand how devastating unhealthy rivers can be for wildlife and…
C-CAP Project Talk
Join our South Pembrokeshire Local Group and Ric Cooper from the C-CAP Project for an evening talk. C-CAP is a citizen science project monitoring the state of the tributaries feeding into the…
My close up
Once a month, Robert attends his local Wildlife Watch group in Nottinghamshire. He’s been going for over a year now and has made lots of new friends; most of all, though, he loves how much he has…
Black sea bream
The black sea bream really is a fascinating fish. From sex changes to nest building, this fish is full of surprises!