Hen harrier
The hen harrier has been severely persecuted for taking game species and has suffered massive declines in numbers as a result. Thankfully, conservation projects are underway to reduce conflict…
The hen harrier has been severely persecuted for taking game species and has suffered massive declines in numbers as a result. Thankfully, conservation projects are underway to reduce conflict…
A common spider of heathland and grassland, the Nursery web spider has brown and black stripes running the length of its body. It is an active hunter, only using its silk to create a protective…
Growing fruit and vegetables takes Raymond back to a childhood spent outdoors in his mum’s garden. At Camley Street Natural Park he gets to reconnect with nature, and his memories, while producing…
For Lucy, the wind and salty spray of the Atlantic Ocean is more relaxing than any spa treatment and being surrounded by amazing wildlife, like Common Dolphins, Minke Whales and Harbour Porpoise…
I'm the new Assistant Conservation Officer. I'll be delivering our conservation projects across the region and working towards our #30by30 vision.
So far, Nextdoor Nature has involved spending time getting to know the great projects in Swansea and the people involved in the amazing nature action already happening!
When he’s not studying at Cumbria University, Ian enjoys volunteering at Thacka Beck. As well as being great for wildlife, this wetland nature reserve helps protects Penrith from flooding when the…