Fireworks anemone
This rare anemone lives up to its name with a spectacular display of long, white tentacles.
This rare anemone lives up to its name with a spectacular display of long, white tentacles.
For our regular volunteers, weekly work parties on our nature reserves are not just about helping to protect local wildlife. They are also a chance to catch up with old friends, meet new ones and…
The caterpillars of this fluffy white moth are best admired from a distance, as their hairs can irritate the skin.
This small, white heron is an increasingly common sight in parts of the UK as it spreads north from continental Europe.
The classic fairy tale toadstool, this red and white fungus is often found beneath birch trees in autumn.
Ever noticed lots of little white spirals on seaweed fronds on rocky shores? These are tiny tube worms!
The grizzled skipper has a striking brown-and-white checked wing pattern. It is a fast flier, so is best observed in the morning as it basks in the sun to warm up. It favours chalk grassland and…
Whether feeding the birds, or sowing a wildflower patch, setting up wildlife areas in your school makes for happier, healthier and more creative children.
As its name suggests, the zebra spider has the familiar black-and-white stripes of a zebra, making it very distinctive. It can be found stalking its prey on rocks, trees and walls, particularly in…
The mountain hare lives in the Scottish Highlands and the north of England. They are renowned for turning white in winter to match their upland surroundings.
The porbeagle shark is a member of the shark family Lamnidae, making it one of the closest living relatives of the great white shark.
The umbrella-like clusters of white, frothy flowers of cow parsley are a familiar sight along roadsides, hedgerows and woodland edges.