Large thyme
The aromatic fragrance of Large thyme can punctuate a summer walk over a chalk grassland. It is an evergreen that grows low to the ground, with erect spikes of tiny, lilac flowers appearing over…
The aromatic fragrance of Large thyme can punctuate a summer walk over a chalk grassland. It is an evergreen that grows low to the ground, with erect spikes of tiny, lilac flowers appearing over…
Mae’n cael ei hystyried fel arwydd cynnar o’r gwanwyn ac mae cân y gog, neu’r gwcw, yn swnio fel ei henw: ‘cwc-w’. Mae i’w chlywed mewn coetiroedd a glaswelltiroedd. Mae’r gog yn enwog am ddodwy…
I was appointed to the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust on 20th July 2020, as Head of Nature Recovery South, after being interviewed on two Zoom meetings, a very odd experience in these strange…
Mae’n hawdd gweld o ble mae’r seren fôr fechan yma wedi cael ei henw, mae wir yn edrych fel clustog bychan siâp seren. Y tro nesaf rydych chi’n archwilio pyllau creigiog, cadwch lygad o dan y…
Saw-wort gets its common name from the serrated, saw-like edges to its leaves. It is a plant of unimproved hay meadows and woodland edges, its purple, thistle-like flowers appearing over summer.…
Look out for the bright red eyes of this speedy crab in rockpools - but be careful, they're notoriously feisty and will give a painful nip!
Mae morfil orca, sydd hefyd yn cael ei adnabod weithiau fel ‘morfil danheddog’, yn hawdd iawn ei adnabod gyda’i farciau du a gwyn. Er bod gennym ni grŵp bach o forfilod orca sy’n byw yn nyfroedd…
It's easy to see where the jewel anemone got its name - the tiny colourful blobs that tip its tentacles look like jewels! Forming dense, colourful carpets on rocky overhangs, jewel anemones…
Mae noethdagellogion, sy’n cael eu hadnabod hefyd fel gwlithod môr, yn debyg iawn i’w perthnasau ar y tir a welwch chi yn eich gardd efallai. Ond, yn wahanol i wlithen yr ardd, mae’r noethdagellog…
A pale member of the violet family sometimes known as ‘milk violet’, the fen violet has a delicate and unassuming appearance. A real specialist of the wetland habitat, this species has seen a…
Yn cael ei ystyried fel ffrind gorau i arddwyr, bydd y draenog yn fwy na pharod i fwyta’r gwlithod sy’n crwydro drwy welyau llysiau. Wedi’i orchuddio gan bigau i gyd, mae’r draenog yn hoffi bwyta…
It's easy to see where the snakelocks anemone got its name when you spot its flowing tentacles. But be careful when out rockpooling, those tentacles give a nasty sting!