Glossy ibis
This glossy wading bird is a scarce visitor to the UK, though records have become more common in recent decades.
This glossy wading bird is a scarce visitor to the UK, though records have become more common in recent decades.
Our two-minute survey can score your garden and offer ideas to make it even better for wildlife, but why is this so important?
In the drama of the open spaces around her, Emily can play the role of a lifetime. She knows the wildlife of the nature reserve as intimately as Yorick knew Hamlet, and with an audience of birds,…
Gary is the Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme (BEVS) Project Manager for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. He is injecting badgers to protect them against bovine tuberculosis (bTB) to help curb the…
This well-camouflaged woodpecker used to be a common breeding bird in Britain, but is now only likely to be seen passing through on migration.
The best plants for bumblebees! Bees are important pollinating insects, but they are under threat. You can help them by planting bumblebee-friendly flowers.
The grey partridge is an attractive bird that prefers the ground to pear trees! Found on farmland and grassland, it is under threat from loss of habitat.
At Brynmill Community Centre in Swansea members of the community have come together to change a neglected space at the back of the Centre into a place where nature can thrive!
An attractive, olive-green bird, the greenfinch regularly visits birdtables and feeders in gardens. Look for a bright flash of yellow on its wings as it flies.