Common cow-wheat
Common cow-wheat is a delicate annual that brightens up the edges of acid woodland and heaths with deep golden flowers in the summer.
Common cow-wheat is a delicate annual that brightens up the edges of acid woodland and heaths with deep golden flowers in the summer.
The Keeled skimmer is a dragonfly of heaths and commons with shallow pools. It has a skittish and weak flight, and is on the wing in summer and early autumn.
The rare natterjack toad is found at just a few coastal locations, where it prefers shallow pools on sand dunes, heaths and marshes.
The long-winged conehead is so-named for the angled shape of its head. It can be found in grasslands, heaths and woodland rides throughout summer.
The fire is believed to have been started by the careless disposal of a barbecue. Approximately one acre of coastal heath and limestone grassland vegetation was destroyed in the blaze. The full…
Join our South Pembrokeshire Local Group and Colin Russell from the West Wales Biodiversity Centre as we discover how and why records of flora and fauna are made and how this information is used…
We caught up with Chris, our Wilder Engagement Officer to hear more about My Wild Cardiff's recent projects and any events we have to look forward to over Spring.
Deborah is Ulster Wildlife’s Nature Reserves Officer. Alongside a team of dedicated volunteers, she works to protect our special places to help both wildlife and people thrive.
Kati wants her grandchildren to inherit a county that is rich in wildlife. That’s why she has left a legacy to Surrey Wildlife Trust
to help protect the countryside for Oliver and Harry.
In summer, the 'frothy' flowers of lady's bedstraw can carpet the grasses of meadows, heaths and coasts with yellow and fill the air with a sweet, honey-like scent.
Meadows of seagrass spread across the seabed, their dense green leaves sheltering a wealth of wildlife including our two native species of seahorse.